Providing superior mental and behavioral healthcare to residents of Alabama and most other states

Providing superior mental and behavioral healthcare to residents of Alabama and most other states

Providing superior mental and behavioral healthcare to residents of Alabama and most other states

Upward provides services to most states in the USA. To learn more, please see our Areas We Serve page (on our Services menu).

Are you ready for therapy that works?

You’ve come to the right place.

Relationship-focused. Evidence-based. Data-driven. Measurable results. These are the values that drive our approach to care.

We believe that psychotherapy is a lot more than supportive conversation: Psychotherapy is healthcare, and it should be approached as the science that it is. Did you know that effective psychotherapy actually changes the physical structure of your brain? Effective psychotherapy can be life-changing, and our mission is to provide the most effective psychotherapy that science has to offer.

Are you ready to make a change? Welcome to Upward!

Our Values

We believe you should feel understood, valued, and affirmed by your provider. We believe you should feel hopeful as you begin your work with us. We believe you should be treated with empathy.

We believe you deserve the very best psychotherapy that science has to offer. More than just a supportive conversation with a caring provider, we believe you deserve an approach to care that has been proven time and again to be effective. We believe you deserve psychotherapy that has been proven to heal.

We believe you deserve measurable results, and that your progress should be continuously assessed during your time in our care. We use your measurement data to drive and refine your individual treatment plan.

Finally, we believe that you should expect results within a reasonable time frame. For most of our patients, this time frame is a few months; in many cases, it is just a few weeks.

Meet Our Team

Let's connect online and get started!