A credit card must be placed on file in order to schedule an intake or evaluation appointment. If paying by another method (e.g., cash or check), this payment must be submitted in order to schedule an intake or evaluation appointment.
Payment for scheduled follow-up therapy appointments is due 48 hours before the appointment.
Individual Therapy
- Standard Intake, Diagnosis, and Treatment Planning Appointment (90 minutes): $400
- Follow-up therapy appointments (45 minutes): $200
Small Group Therapy
- Abbreviated Intake Appointment for Clients Interested in Small Group (30 minutes): $100
- Small group (six 60-minute group sessions, maximum of 12 people): *$560
- Small group (twelve 60-minute group sessions, maximum of 12 people): *$1120
*Payment for all sessions of a small group series is due upfront; however, payment in 6 monthly installments is available to clients who qualify
Child & Adult Evaluations
- Adult Autism Evaluation (includes one 2-hour evaluation session, comprehensive evaluation report, and one 45-minute feedback session): $900
- Adult ADHD Evaluation (includes one 2-hour evaluation session, comprehensive evaluation report, and one 45-minute feedback session): $900
- Adult Combined Autism & ADHD Evaluation (includes one 3-hour evaluation session, comprehensive evaluation report, and one 45-minute feedback session): $1350
- Child Autism Evaluation (includes one 2-hour evaluation session, comprehensive evaluation report, and one 45-minute feedback session): $900
- Child ADHD Evaluation (includes one 2-hour evaluation session, comprehensive evaluation report, and one 45-minute feedback session): $900
- Child Combined Autism & ADHD Evaluation (includes one 3-hour evaluation session, comprehensive evaluation report, and one 45-minute feedback session): $1350
We do not accept insurance (read more here about why we made this decision). We are considered out-of-network providers by healthcare insurances. If you want to seek reimbursement from your insurance carrier for your care with Upward then we can assist you in two ways:
- We will provide a Superbill for you to submit to your insurer for reimbursement on your own, or
- We also partner with Thrizer, a service that will advise you on your insurer’s out-of-network benefits, submit your claims to your insurer on your behalf, and assist you in maximizing your reimbursement amount for a small fee.
Upward has partnered with CareFund which provides low- and no-interest financing to clients who would prefer to pay for their care in smaller monthly payments.
We accept cash, checks, and all major credit cards as forms of payment.
Cancellation Policy
If you are unable to attend a session, please make sure you cancel at least 48 hours beforehand. Otherwise, you may be charged for the full rate of the session.