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Spotlight: Insomnia Treatment

Are you tired of being tired?

Do you struggle to get quality sleep on a regular basis?

Maybe you have a hard time getting to sleep when it’s bedtime, or maybe you tend to wake up multiple times in the night. Maybe you are able to fall asleep at bedtime but wake up long before the alarm only to find that you can’t get back to sleep. Maybe you find yourself losing sleep because worry and stress are keeping you up. Maybe nightmares, or your CPAP machine, or your snoring spouse, or your new baby are interrupting your sleep.

Do any of these statements sound like something you’d say?

“I can’t sit through that lecture/worship service/movie…I’ll just fall asleep.”

“I can’t make it to work/school/that event because I didn’t sleep well last night.”

“I will go to bed early tonight/sleep in this weekend to catch up on my sleep.”

“When I can’t sleep, I lay in bed and look at my phone/laptop.”

“I can’t make it through the day without my nap.”

“I can’t sleep without melatonin/sleep medication.”

It’s not just you. If you struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep 3 or more nights a week, you may have Insomnia.

At least 30% of Americans meet criteria for Insomnia. Sadly, most do not receive treatment for it because they don’t even realize that it is a treatable disorder. Many people think that poor sleep is simply a part of life.

Good news: effective treatment exists!

Our providers are sleep experts. We are proud to offer treatment for insomnia using an intervention called Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia. This treatment is:

· Brief—just six weekly meetings

· Based in science with years of research support

· Medication-free

· Available in individual or small-group sessions, and available either in-person or over telehealth

· Effective! The majority of clients who complete the protocol report clinically-significant improvements not just in their sleep, but also in their daytime alertness, mood, and concentration.

Clients can also address related sleep problems such as chronic nightmares, CPAP desensitization, and adjusting to a sleep schedule with a new baby.

Click the button below to schedule a free, 15-minute consultation with one of our sleep experts to discuss which treatment option is the best fit for you.